Terms of Service


We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, PayPal, personal checks, and money orders. All payments must be payable in US Dollars.

We accept money orders and personal checks for US orders only. Orders paid by check or money order may be held for up to 10 days after receiving the check or money order to assure clearing the banks. *** For quicker processing of your money order, send a US Postal Money Order AND make it payable as instructed in your order confirmation email. In this way, I can cash your money order and your order can be shipped without delay as soon as I receive your payment.

Payment is expected within 7 business days. If your payment will be delayed, please send us an email.


Sales tax will be charged on all orders shipped into the state of Florida.


Orders are normally shipped via USPS First Class or Priority Mail. Express shipping is possible, just send me an email and I'll get you a shipping quote.

The shopping cart will combine orders for shipping.

Orders may take up to 2 business days for processing. Usually orders are shipped the day following a cleared payment and sometimes they may be shipped the same day. If there is a delay in shipping you will be sent an email.


If you feel there is an error in the shipment or you feel the item was misrepresented, please send us an email within 3 days of receipt of shipment. We are human and can make mistakes. The photos are of the actual item offered for sale. Please view the enlarged photos prior to purchase and if you have any questions prior to purchase, please send us a message via Ask Seller a Question at the top of the product page.

If the package was damaged in shipping, SAVE THE SHIPPING MATERIAL and send us an email within 3 days of receipt of shipment. Most packages are insured and the Post Office may need to see the shipping material in order to pay the insurance claim.


Our customers' privacy is important to us and will be respected. All purchase information is confidential. We will not sell, rent, or give your name, address, email address or any other information to anyone.